Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday Favs 53

Happy Friday!  Here are some things I'm loving right now!

Fav #1

This sweet corn soup is amazing. It tastes like fresh corn on the cob.  In a bowl.  Which means I ate it almost every day until it was gone :)

Fav #2

I'm loving these wood watches by Jord right now!  My favorite is the Cora series Zebra wood and Turquoise.  I love the different tones in the wood, and think it would look great with a lot of different outfits!
Fav #3

I can't do another fav post without sharing my diaper bag with you.  I love it!  The JuJuBe BFF was such a splurge, but it's so pretty and functional! At this point in life, I use a diaper bag rather than a purse, so I needed one that looked great.  I parted with a ton of Ebates dollars that I've been hoarding for a long time in order to make the price more palatable.

The best price I can find for this print is here, and it looks as if they are always offering 10% off.
Choosing a print was SOO hard because I loved so many of them!  I gave Mr. M. some input, since he might need to carry the bag at some point, and he preferred the Queen of the Nile, which is a black and white herringbone pattern.  I love the fabric paired with the gold hardware.  Although let's face it-- had the leopard print been released when I bought my bag, he probably wouldn't have gotten a say!

Fav #4
And speaking of Ebates...if you aren't using it yet, you are missing out! It's awesome, and I use it to get cash back on almost everything I buy.

They work with almost all of my favorite stores, and it is just too easy not to use.  All you have to do is go to the Ebates website and open the website of the store you are shopping at from there.  That's it! 

You definitely should check it out! If you do, please use my referral link!

Have a great weekend!


  1. The watch is great! I would like a statement watch but I just haven't gotten around to getting one yet.

    1. I know! I have no less than 7 watches currently on my Amazon wish list!
