Monday, August 4, 2014

Master Bedroom Changes

Monday already?! Where do the weekends go?

  This is my last full week of summer vaca....I guess I'd better get used to weekends flying by before I know it.

Recently, I shared with you the debate Mr. M. and I had over the new ceiling fan for our master bedroom....

...well, I lost that one.
And at a savings of $250, I'm kind of glad that I did!

The fan we ended up with is the Westinghouse 7216100 Solana, which is incredibly quiet.  I like it much more in person that I did online, and think it's a nice update from the old fan that was here when we moved in.


New.  'Bron loves the breeze and was mad that I turned the fan off to take a pic.

No need to watermark these pics.  I'm pretty sure no one wants to steal them. 
Also, I've got to get some art on that wall. (How many times have I thought that?)

But the BEST news of all is that we are in the process of sanding down the orangey-wood built-ins so that we can paint them white!  

I'm thinking that I may want to add some trim to the flat doors before I paint them to add some dimension. Something like this...

 Either way it's going to be so much brighter in here.  

Stay tuned!

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