
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Great Debate

A winner has been selected for the Blogiversary Giveaway!  Congrats Emily V!  Be sure to check your email :)

A debate has been raging in our house for, months.

The great debate began nearly a year ago, when the ceiling fan in our master bedroom stopped working.  Summer was almost over at the time, so we just toughed it out (and by 'toughed it out' I mean, we just set the air conditioner a few degrees lower).

But now that the heat of summer has rolled around once again, we've been reminded of how nice it was to have a breeze at night and the push to replace the fan is on.

Except my husband and I have very different ideas about what constitutes an acceptable replacement.

To be honest, I HATE ceiling fans.  They're all pretty ugly.  I often convince myself that I don't really even want one.  That I'd rather pick out a cool chandelier or sleek drum shade......and then I remember how much I love to be cold and bundled under the covers, even in the the desire for a fan returns.

Plus, Mr. M. insists on a fan.

Except I don't live in The South.
(Is it really necessary to capitalize that?  I mean, it's not its own country....sorry southerners!)

And since a ceiling fan is something that is actually installed in the house, it's an item that we should both agree on (see how reasonable I can be?!), so I have found this beauty that I think is an excellent compromise.

It's a ceiling fan that looks like a drum shade!  Perfect!

The problem is that Mr. M. hates it.  He thinks it is ugly, and that $400 is a ridiculous amount to spend on a fan when we could buy one that is perfectly acceptable (in his eyes) for half the price.  

We actually originally had this debate when the fan broke last summer, and I've spent the past year hoping to change his mind or at least catch this beauty on sale.

Neither one has happened.

So recently, I've been seeking out other possible options.  I've found that there are hardly ANY ceiling fans that don't look like ceiling fans out there, and that those that ARE available are way out of our price range. $400 was the lowest price I could find.
(There's a totally niche to be filled here, people!  Home furnishing companies take note.)

 Which led me to seek out ceiling fans that are minimally ugly, reasonable priced, and  fit the requirements of the room (we needed one that was either a flush-mount, or had a very short drop) and found this one.

I like that it feels pretty streamlined, due to the fact that it only has two blades.  It looks current, but isn't so modern that it looks like it belongs on a spaceship.  The espresso blades aren't really my favorite, but to be honest, I don't know what finish I would prefer, so it's hard to complain about that.  And it comes in at $152, with free two-day shipping from Amazon Prime (If you don't have prime yet, you NEED it! Get a 30-day free trial here), so the prices is really great.  

For reference, here's an old shot of our master bedroom.

We'll see where this one ends up...for now, the debate continues.

Which one do you like best?  Do you ever have to compromise what you really want for your house?

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  1. minimally ugly! i agree. the one i have in my living room is almost like that, but i think it has one more blade. could you paint the blades a different color since you said you don't like that look? ours came with one color on one side and another color on the other side, i think.

    1. I thought of that too. I wonder what the blades are made of?

  2. Go for the cheapo one! We have "ugly" ceiling fans in all of our rooms but I never even notice them. But then again, if you asked me what sort of light fixture we have in our dining room, I'd only be taking a guess. I am not very observant, I guess!
