
Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Favs 47

Happy Friday!  Is it just me, or is summer flying by?!  
Please, please slow down.

A few weeks ago, I shared with you that Mr. M. and I are trying to start our family through IVF, and as I find myself stuck in the interminable two-week period where there's nothing to do but wait to see if the process was successful, I'm increasingly finding myself wading into the dangerous territory of dreaming about putting together a nursery.

Why is that dangerous, you ask?  Well, you don't get to the point of IVF without a fair amount of failure. In our prior attempts leading up to IVF, I've allowed myself to imagine and plan for success, which ended up making the failures just a little harder to swallow. 

Surely it would be easier to detach, but I can't help it.  The planning and dreaming is just so fun while it lasts!
  And apparently, I'm a glutton for punishment :)

So this week has been dominated by expanding my never-ending list of nursery inspiration.  Lately, I seem to be leaning towards more modern, gender-neutral spaces featuring graphic prints.  Grays, blues and yellows seem to be where I'm heading. Here are my current favs!

Fav #1
I love this aqua and gray nursery.  It is gorgeous as is, but it would  also be so simple to add in some pops of color to make it more gender specific.  I'm thinking orange, yellow or bright pink.

Fav #2
Ok, this one is definitely feminine.  But oh, that mobile!  Love those ruffled poms, as well as the graphic crib skirt.  And that mirror!

Fav #3
Any kids who grows up in this room is destined to be cool.  The focal wall is perfection, and I especially love the modern crib.

Fav #4
I'm pretty sure this is the first nursery I ever pinned (years ago), and it consistently lands in my list of favorites.  The striped walls were the inspiration for our striped focal wall in the room that will eventually be the nursery. 

Fav #5
I love the board and batten and the pops of yellow in this room!

OMG I can't wait to have real nursery plans to show you! Follow along with the inspirational pinning on Pinterest!

Have a great weekend!

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  1. They are all beautiful, Em! When I was looking at the first one, I thought "Oh you could add a pop of orange" before I even read what you said. I think I am LEARNING!

    1. Good to hear! Now if your fitness blog could just rub off on me.....

  2. Best wishes, Em!!! I pray it all works out for you!!

  3. No it isn't just you- summer IS flying by! Wahhh :(

    So very hopeful for you guys and will keep you in our prayers! Can't wait to hear updates! I may have questions for you someday... hopefully not but a little over a year now with no results so we may be headed down the same path :/

    1. Oh, I hope not! Hang in there, and feel free to email me anytime!
