
Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday Favs 36

Hooray for the weekend!  It's supposed to be pretty rainy around here, so it should be the perfect weekend for indoor projects, cooking, and blog reading!  Sounds amazing after a hectic work week.

Every now and then, I love to share some of my favorite blogs with you. And since you might be stuck inside this weekend too,  I'm back this week with a few more that you should definitely check out!  

Fav #1
Inspired by Charm. In a blogging world that seems to be dominated by women, Michael's fantastic blog (and style!) really stands out.  Just check out his dining room (which he put together after planning during a conversation with Nate Berkus!) It's gorgeous!  I love that he's a fellow small-town Pennsylvanian...proof that great style exists outside of city limits.

Fav #2
Homey Oh My!  Amy's penchant for using black, white and gold in her decor sucks me in every time.  I just can't get enough.  Her creative ideas are such a great source of inspiration!  My favorite?  This cool, black and white striped tray...I love her style!

Fav #3
Home Stories A to Z. Beth is kind of a rock star in the DIY/Home blogging world.  She's part of the team that puts the Haven Conference together, and I was so super-excited to realize that she basically lives in my backyard (OK...well like 30 miles from me...but close enough).  I have dream of bumping into her at Target and becoming friends as we roam the decor aisles together.  Not only is her blog (and home) gorgeous, but she also hosts Tutorials and Tips, a great weekly link party where I get a ton of inspiration!  

Want to see some fav blogs I've named in the past?  Here's a few more of my favorite decor blogs, as well as a random list of other blogs that I adore.  Enjoy!

What are your favorite blogs?  Leave links in the comments below....I love to discover new finds!

Have a great weekend!

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