
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Friday Favs 50

Heyyy!  Long time, no favs.  

I'm so pumped for the rapid approach of autumn.  I love's the season that makes me want to light a scented candle, sip a pumpkin latte followed by a pumpkin beer, use my crockpot, and cut my hair into a sleek, new style....all while wearing a scarf and boots.   

So in honor of my favorite season, here are some of my favorite things about fall!

Fav #1
Fall nail colors.  Unfortunately I'm not able to get regular manicures, but when I do splurge on a mani, nine times out of ten it's during the fall.  I just love the colors!  My fav as of late has been a mushroom-putty color.  And if I'm doing my nails at home (which I suck at), I go for Sally Hansen's Slick Slate.

Fav #2
The return of non-curly hair.  My hair has a lot of wave to it and doesn't survive heat and humidity when straightened, so I wear it curly pretty much every day in the summer.  Which I love...but get sick of.  I'm always dying to cut and style my hair in the if I could only get better at the styling part.  It's kind of like I have two left hands :)

Fav #3
Porch decorating. Mums! Wreaths!  I'm trying to hold off on buying my mums until October, so they last through Halloween.  But I feel my resolve crumbling daily...I can't wait to do up our front porch.  Here's a flashback to last year's fall porch decor in the meantime...

Fav #4
Fall beers. While I love my pumpkin spice latte, I really love my autumn-inspired brews. There's nothing better than a pumpkin-ale on the patio on a Friday night in the fall, a theory that I'm pretty sure I'll be testing out once again this evening...

Someone's gotta do it.

What are your fav parts of fall??

Have a great weekend!

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