
Monday, March 3, 2014

Spring Color Palette Inspiration

Hey there! I'm super excited that the snowstorm predicted for today missed us!  As of publishing this post, we haven't seen one. single. flake.  

That, combined with the fact that it's March, makes me think that I'm safe to start working on my spring projects, and one that I'm pretty excited about is a little refresh on our family room color palette. I'm not talking a major overhaul--no painting, no new furniture.  Just some easy accessory updates and simple solutions to create a spring/summer vibe.

If you remember my post about cozy-in up the family room for fall, you know that the current palette includes a lot of red, orange and gold.  And while I love the colors, I'm looking for something a little fresher and vibrant for the warm weather months.....and plan to replace some of the oranges and golds with turquoise accents.  

I've been a pinning-fool lately, and can't wait until this little 'room refresh' comes together!  In the  meantime, here's some of my 'Pinspiration'....

Are you planning any decor updates as we transition out of winter?  It's amazing to me how much a few simple swaps can transform a room!

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