
Monday, January 27, 2014

Scarf Organization

One of my 2014 goals is to become more organized around the house, and a natural place to start was with my wardrobe.  Keeping my clothing organized is an ongoing challenge for me!  I organize, then I get busy and don't put things where they belong, and before I know it, the inside of my closet is a mess again. 

One source of chaos?  Scarves.

I LOVE scarves.  I have a ton of them, and with the amazing and affordable scarves that  Everyday Icing and Pick Your Plum keep offering, my collection is growing rapidly.  However closet space is at a premium around here, and the scarf situation was getting out of control.  

Enter the multi-tiered pants hanger, aka Best Scarf Organizing Tool EVER....

I looped each scarf around the the bars of the hangers, and hung them on the back of our bedroom door using over-door hangers.  

I love that all of my scarves are visible and easily accessible when I'm putting together outfits...

...But I also love that they are out of sight when I'm not.  

One wardrobe organization project down, many MANY more to go.'re going down next.

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Work It Wednesday

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