
Monday, November 18, 2013

Thanksgiving Centerpiece

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Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only 10 days away?!  I swear, we were just enjoying fall foliage and arranging mums and pumpkins on the porch!  

Although I'm not hosting Thanksgiving this year, I still want to have a fab Thanksgiving dining room table! I've stopped short of designing a full-on Thanksgiving tablescape...for now.  But I wanted to create a seasonal centerpiece, so when I stumbled upon a ceramic cornucopia for a few dollars at Goodwill, I knew I had struck gold!

I forgot to take a true 'before' picture.  This is an 'in process' picture, that I took after I had already spray painted the top half white.

Based on the spotty glaze job and the initials CAR carved into the bottom of the cornucopia, I'm guess that this thing was someone's art class or pottery class creation.  Its original brown color was not very appealing, but the shape was great and I knew that I could totally transform it with spray paint.  

Another 'in process' picture.  

The item to the left is one of two cornucopia candle stick holders that came along with the cornucopia.  I spray painted them white as well,  but since they are designed to sit with the opening of the cornucopia facing down, they resemble swirls of vanilla soft-serve ice cream more than anything else.  I doubt that I'll use them.

Once my cornucopia had a fresh coat of white paint, I filled it with silver pine cones.  I had initially planned on making my own silver, sparkly pine cones, but when I found some for $5 at Homegoods a few weeks ago, I figured that I probably couldn't DIY them for less than that.  So I took the easy route!

I arranged the cornucopia, along with a pair of silver pillar candlesticks, on a silver tray that my mom handed down to me.  Then I piled on the pine cones, allowing them to spill out onto the tray.  

The result is a fun little seasonal centerpiece that will carry me through Thanksgiving!  Sadly, it will be put away in just a few weeks, once Christmas decorating begins.  But I think the fresh, white shape of the cornucopia will serve me well for Thanksgivings to come!

So thanks to CAR, whoever you are!  I bet you never thought your pottery class cornucopia would end up in blog-land!

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  1. Emily, your Goodwill finds are so inspiring! It makes me want to go there and buy something and paint it!

  2. Thanks Megs! I love to go in there with the goal of finding something that I can change to suit my needs. It's a fun challenge!
