
Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday Favs 17

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... Happy Friday!  I'm lucky to have a day off work off work today and am thrilled to spend the day around the house, cleaning and creating fun stuff to share with you!  Here are some things that have rocked my world this week!

Fav #1
Panera bagels.  Bagels from Panera are a huge dietary splurge and something I only indulge in occasionally. But I happened by a Panera while I was shopping last weekend, and decided to buy 6 bagels to freeze and eat over the next few weeks.  They were out of my fav Cinnamon Crunch, so I was forced lucky to discover a new favorite.  Pumpkin. Pie. Bagel.  OMG.  Thank goodness I only bought two of those, because I ate them both already.

Cinnamon Crunch
Pumpkin Pie

Fav  #2
Christmas tree collars.  I have serious issues with my cats messing up my Christmas tree skirt, so when I saw the cool tree collars that Crate and Barrel is carrying, I was so excited!  I love this rustic, galvanized metal collar, but I'm planning to DIY one of my own.  I can't wait to show you what I come up with!  Buy this beauty here.

Fav #3
Sam Adams Chocolate Cherry Bock.  Three letters.  YUM.  Now, I'm a lover of beers with interesting flavor profiles, so it's not surprise that I love this.  But when Mr. M, who pretty much hates any sort of fruit or food-flavored beer, liked it---I knew it was something special.  We found it in the Winter Classics variety pack.  Try it before it's gone!

Fav #4
Martha Stewart Liquid Gilding. This stuff is amazing. It goes on so beautifully--thick and gorgeous, without brush strokes.  It can totally transform almost any object into gilded perfection.  I love working with it, and find myself looking for things the gild constantly.  I've only used the gold, but I'm dying to try out the silver as well! Click on the affiliate link below to buy.

Have a fab weekend!!
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