
Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday Favs 54

Happy Friday the 13th! I'm trying to use the date to justify breaking out two of the babies' cute Halloween outfits for one last hurrah...that makes sense, right?!
Speaking of the babes, thanks so much to those of you who left sweet comments, messages, or sent me an email following Wednesday's IVF post.  You guys are the best!
Since it's Friday, here are some of my favorite things this week!

Fav #1
We got a Homegoods in our area!  This is SO major, as the closest store has been over an hour away until now.  News of a store opening had been rumored for months, and I may have squealed when I learned that the rumor was true!  It actually opened a few weeks ago, but I haven't had the chance to go until today. 

Let's hope that my giant stroller and I can fit through the aisles.  With two car seats in the backseat, and a stroller in my trunk, I won't be able to make any large purchases.  But I'm hoping to take some pics for a shopping report, and bring home something fun!

Feel free to follow along with today's trip on Instagram!

Fav #2
Cassie, from Hi Sugarplum!, debuted her new living room this week and I'm. In. Love.

The jewel tones.  That rug.  That art! Those navy bookshelves!
Can I move in please?

You must see the rest of it.  Check it out here.

Fav #3
H&M has their holiday cushion covers out!  I may have snagged a few to brighten up our furniture for the holidays!

I love their cushion covers because not only are they super affordable (many are less than 6 bucks!), and adorable, but also because it's so much easier to fold and store a few seasonal pillow cases with my holiday items than it is to store entire pillows!  I'm all about saving space and keeping things organized.

You can check out all of their cushion covers here.

Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I always wanted to get xmas pillows but didn't want to spend the money. I never heard of cushion covers but I love the idea especially because it's inexpensive!

    Hope you had fun at Home Goods!!!
