
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Friday Favs 44

Happy Friday!!  
Is anyone else out there dying for some sunshine?!  We haven't seen the sun in days....luckily, this weekend is supposed to be gorgeous.  I'm hoping for some serious pool time.

Friday Favs has been on hiatus for a few weeks, so I'm thrilled to be back to share some awesome things that went down this week!

Fav #1
Amazon Prime Music.  I am SO excited that Amazon has added ad-free music streaming to its Prime Membership.  Let's face it-- I'm already a huge fan of Amazon Prime for it's free 2 day shipping, Kindle lending library and Amazon Instant Video, so offering me free ready-made playlists is just a huge bonus on the yearly fee I'm already going to pay anyway.  Will it replace my love of Pandora?  Probably not, but the available playlists are fun and it's another great perk of a service that I already love. My favorite playlists so far?  80's One Hit Wonders, 50 Great 90's Alternative Songs and 90's R&B for Girls Night (Un-Break My Heart is playing as I type).  Glory days, people.  Want to try a 30 day free trial of Amazon Prime?  Check it out here.

Fav #2
Yuengling Black and Tan Ice Cream. Not sure I saw this one coming. I mean, obviously their beer is pretty great too, but this ice cream is blowing my mind.  And I'm not even really an ice cream girl!  Chocolate swirled with salted caramel ice cream.  I can't buy another carton of it because I can't stay away from it once it's in the house.  Can't. Do. It......Ok, maybe one more ;)

Fav #3
Orange Is the New Black Season 2 is finally available on Netflix!  I wanted to save it for my summer vaca, and I'm trying to pace myself, but I'm tearing through it.  Totally good.  Totally not for the faint of heart.

Fav #4
Check out the fab #VowVoxBox that Influenster sent me!  I'm so excited to try out the Olay Regenerist moisturizer and that nail polish!  I'll be sure to give you a full review!

Have an amazing weekend!

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1 comment:

  1. We started Orange is the New Black too! We are halfway through episode 3. Love it still! Do you guy watch Fargo? That's another really good one. Billy Bob Thornton is in it. :)
