
Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday Favs 42

Before I forget, one of my projects is being featured by the fabulous Kayla over at Homecoming today!  Pop on over to check out which one, and while you are there, scope out the rest of Kayla's blog. That girl has some serious talent.
  Wow, this week was busy! 
 I know that I was a little absent from posting this week.  Sorry about that, but the end of the school year is packed full of things that keep me from my regular blogging schedule.
Don't worry, in just a few short weeks I'll be all yours while I make blogging my full-time summer job. Well.....that and getting a killer tan.
Though it was incredibly busy, this week was great!  Here are some of the highlights...
Fav #1
I found these great metal containers that H&M has on sale for just $4.95!  They come in 5 colors and would be great for storage or décor...
Fav #2
...and speaking of H&M, right now they have these cute tea towels on sale for just 3 bucks!  They come in gray and orange, and remind me of the towel I used to wrap up my wood-burned spoons...except these are a lot cheaper!
Fav #3
My rhododendron bushes have started to bloom! I didn't plant these and I'm not the biggest fan of them the rest of the year, but the week or two that they are in bloom is enough to keep me from even considering getting rid of them.  So. Many. Flowers.
Fav #4
The fact that both of these items were found on my Goodwill travels this week.  I eyed up that lamp at Target for months, but never wanted to put out the cash for it.  I won't even tell you what I snagged it'll hate me ;)

Fav #5
But the biggest excitement of the week came from finding out that Jimmy Buffett is coming to town this summer and getting tickets to go with a bunch of our friends.  I'm so excited!
Maybe I should have a margarita know, for practice.
Have a great weekend!!

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