
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I'm the 1 in 8...

I've been writing and re-writing this post in my head for months now. But every time I go to type it, I get blocked, or chicken out, or change my mind.  

'Cause blogging can be kind of scary, you know?

But I keep coming back to it....which should tell me something.  Either that I'm a chronic over-sharer, or that I feel the need to share my story in the hope that it helps someone else who's going through it.... 

Today is Day 3 of National Infertility Awareness Week. It's also the 1,394th day that Mr. M. and I have been waiting for our baby, putting us among the 1 in 8 couples who have difficulty conceiving.

Which freaking sucks.

 And while I've alluded to infertility on the blog before, this is really my first time discussing the issue head on. I'm not opening up about this in order to gain pity, although I do welcome your prayers. The thing is, infertility can be a really lonely struggle. And I really feel like the only good thing that can come out of this crappy situation is that talking about it will somehow help someone else on the journey feel a little bit less alone.  Because even though infertility is a lonely journey sometimes...
You are not alone.
I am here with you.

Are you humming Michael Jackson now?  We're totally friends.

And neither am I, thank goodness. Mr. M is awesome, and I really don't know what I'd do without the camaraderie, advice and hope that comes from those in my life who've been there and especially you fantastic ladies who open up about this infertility BS on your blogs. Your words make me laugh, give me support, and (kind of) keep me from turning into a crazy, obsessed person. 

So to those of you who are in it....hang in there.  Drop me a email, let me know about your blog...I want to connect with you. You people are the ones keeping me sane, after all.

And to those of you who aren't personally affected by probably know someone who is.  Be kind to them.  They're fighting a battle every day, just like you are.

I'll be back to the usual decorating/DIY/random thoughts tomorrow!  Only now that I've started this conversation, expect the occasional update tossed in here and there.  I think there's going to be a lot to share in the coming months :)

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  1. Oh Emily I pray for u and mr m everyday hon

  2. Emily! So glad you're ready to open up. It's a huge risk, I know, but I have been so eternally blessed by the outpouring of support I've received since sharing about your journey. I know you will be as well. You're a brave woman, and that will make you a brave, strong mama someday too. Thanks for linking up. And a side note: our humor is similar as I have made the MJ reference after telling my fellow infertiles that they are not alone. ;) Love it!

    1. Hahaha....any day I can get an MJ reference in is a good day. Thanks for the kind words, and I'm excited to follow along with you!

  3. Found your blog on the link-up today. My husband and I are one of those "1 in 8", as well. It's been 2 years (1.5 of really trying) and next week, we finally start our first (and hopefully only!) round of Clomid. Lots of love, luck and best wishes!

    1. Thanks! Good luck with the Clomid (beware the mood swings, lol)!

  4. Another 1 in 8 here! Kudos to you on opening up, I know it takes a LOT of courage. Sending you hugs and hoping that number won't climb much beyond 1,394.

    1. Thanks girl! I just read your story....I hope your time comes soon, too. I'm sorry.

  5. Emily, while I could never understand what you guys are going through, please know I think about you both a lot and wish you both all the happiness you deserve. I admire your strength!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Loved reading this. Glad you are sharing your story. I wrote a few infertility posts over the years, but never "went public" aka shared those links on FB until after our miscarriage in March. Sharing has been wonderful. So many have been so supportive.

    New follower:)

  7. <33
    big hugs from one to another
    thank you for opening up about this!

  8. the be kind quote is one of my faves. So, so, so true. Thanks for sharing - the 1 in 8 need to be visible.

    1. Mine too! What world it would be if we could just be kind.

  9. so sorry for your struggles, but glad you shared. and I totally wasn't singing Michael Jackson til you said something.
