
Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday Favs 37

Holla!  It's my favorite day of the week once again!

Is anyone out there new to blogging or interested in starting a blog??

 When I started House in the Heights last summer, I knew next-to-nothing about blogging and knew even less about the technical side of blogging.
In case you're keeping track, even less than next-to-nothing equals nothing.  I didn't even know what HTML was, let alone how I would need to use it to determine how things look on screen.  

Completely. Clueless.
(About two steps away from 'kind of clueless', which is where my blogging knowledge now clocks in.)

Luckily for me, there are some fantastic tutorials out there that were able to help a total beginner like me get started.  Here are some of my favorite posts that helped me figure it all out...I hope they are helpful to you as there have been to me!

Fav #1
21 Rosemary Lane helped me figure out how to create a blog header and how to insert it my blog template.

Fav #2
A Typical English Home offered free social media icons AND instructions on how to insert the icons into my sidebar.....

Fav #3
....and also helped me figure out how to insert a signature at the end of my blog posts.

Fav #4
And finally, Code It Pretty, showed me how to install Pin It buttons on my blog images, allowing readers to pin my posts with a simple mouse-click.  

Hope these help!
What blog tips do you have?  I'm always looking to make things better around here...

Have a great weekend!

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  1. Thanks Em! I learned about pic monkey from you and it changed my life! I am trying out those free social media buttons. I have always wondered about those.
