
Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday Favs 35

*Sorry I'm late today!  I accidentally chose the wrong date when setting the post to auto-publish.  Better late than never, right?*

Happy Friday!  Cheers to the freakin' weekend.  

Lately, I've been on a mission to get some art on the many blank walls of our house.  I've held off for so long because I've been waiting to find the perfect pieces...and it's just not happening.  I came close once at Homegoods, but I hesitated and some lady with fabulous taste stole the items I was pondering out from under me while I was still deciding if I wanted to buy them.  

Lesson learned.  Put stuff in my cart while I decide if I want it. 

 So now I'm sick of waiting, and the new mission is to create some DIY art to satisfy my urge to hang something, anything on the walls.  Turns out, there's a ton of fantastic DIY art ideas out there...even for people like me who are artistically challenged. DIY Art for Dummies, if you will. 

Which is the only kind of art I can create.

Here are some of my favorites...

Pretty fab ideas, right?!  I actually put one of these projects into practice last weekend.  Any guesses which one?!

Hope you have an amazing weekend!

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  1. I am guessing the layered frame wall. It is really cool.
    I would like to try that one.

    1. Nope, not the frame wall....but that IS HAPPENING at some point. I love it too! Collecting frames will take some time, though.

  2. I thought the frame one now I say the beautiful mess

  3. I was gonna say frames too! Ampersand???
