
Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Favs 33

Good morning!! Capitalize, bold print, underline the TGIF this week....I am ready for the weekend.  We have some fun plans with friends tonight and and, as usual, I can't wait to sleep in. 

It's the best part of the weekend.  Every weekend.

Onto the favorites...chocolate, makeup and pillows.  Pretty much my three favorite things ever!

Fav #1
Lindt Wasabi Dark Chocolate.  OMG.  I don't really know what else to say.  If you like wasabi, it's a must- try.  Thank goodness I don't have regular access to this stuff, it would be bad news.

Fav #2
e.l.f. cosmetics.  I love to buy makeup at specialty stores like Sephora, but there are some products that I just can't justify paying specialty store prices for.  Like $30 for eye shadow primer?  Can't do it.  I had been hearing that the e.l.f. products were good and really affordable, so I was excited to check them out at my most recent Target run. Love them!  I bought an eyebrow kit, concealer brush, eye shadow primer and some individual falsies.... for under $10.  What a great find for products and tools that I may not use everyday and don't want to spend a fortune on.  Oh, and the selection on their website is even better!!

Fav #3
The awesome selection of pillow covers in H&M's (relatively) new home line.  What a fantastically simple way to switch up your decor!!  I just bought a pair of the blue covers for my spring family room refresh. At less than $6 a cover, I wasn't sure what to expect, but they are great!  Find them and all the other great pillow covers here (I especially like the Do What You Love cover)!

 Have a great weekend!!
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