
Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Favs 32

Happy Friday!!  So excited for the start of weekend, not so excited for the snowstorm predicted for the end of the weekend.....will it ever end?!

Anyway, here are my favs of the week!

Fav #1
Check out the Sequoia Console Table from Z Gallerie...isn't it cool?!  Totally out of budget, but a girl can dream...

Fav #2
Keurig Descaling Solution.  We use filtered water in our Keurig,  but were still seeing some build-up and a reduction in the water flow lately.  Enter the Keurig Descaling Solution, which we tried out this week.  OMG.  I hadn't noticed a decline in the taste of my coffee, but the coffee from the newly cleaned machine  was so much better.  

Apparently, you're supposed to de-scale your Keurig every six months or so.  Who knew? (Well...the Keurig manual knew....and after tasting the difference a de-scaled machine makes, I finally believe them).

Find yours here

Fav #3
Cuckoo 4 Design's DIY Abstract Art tutorial.  Maybe it's the abstract design, maybe it's the gold leaf stuck on top (it's probably the gold leaf!), but I so love this!  Julia's tutorial is clear, filled with step-by-step pics, and looks so easy that I'm kind of inspired to try one for myself!

Fav #4
The abundance of tulips bouquets that I've been seeing lately!  I LOVE tulips.  I don't plant many spring flowers in my garden because I hate having to leave the wilted leaves in the ground after the flowers die, but if I did I would certainly choose tulips.  Someday, I'd love to travel to Holland to see their amazing tulips fields...but for now, I'm content to settle for a few stems in vases around the house.  

What's your fav spring flower?  Would you try creating your own abstract art?

Have a great weekend!  

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  1. I think u should help ur mom and I do a picture

    1. I'm planning to try one for myself this week....let me master it and then you're on!
