
Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Favs 30

Happy Friday and Happy Valentine's Day! Hopefully, I'm at work as you're reading this--we've had so many snow days this winter that we'll be going to school until July if we keep it up.

I found the most amazing score at Goodwill this week!  Now if you've been around here for while, you know that this is nothing new...but as I glanced around my house to find the perfect spot for my fab finds, I realized just how many treasures I've scored at Goodwill!  

Fav #1
My amazing score this week was this fantastic pair of lucite lamps.  I first saw them a few weeks ago, and was trying to wait until they went on sale....but when they began haunting my dreams, I knew that I had to pull the trigger before someone else snatched them up!  

I often feel that urgency when I'm Goodwill shopping.  The almost-free prices, combined with the fact that there's typically only one of each item really gives off a 'here today, gone tomorrow' vibe.

Fav #2
The black console table that I'm currently using to simulate a faux-foyer.  Can you believe that I paid less than 10 bucks for this table?!  I'm still working on styling it to perfection, but there's no doubt that the table itself is perfect. 

Fav #3
My knitted throw.  I love layering this over our love seat, and curling up with it on chilly nights!  To think that I almost missed this brand-new beauty because it wasn't in the housewares section of the store...don't worry, I jumped out of the checkout line with the quickness when I spotted it and snatched victory from the jaws of another lady who was eyeing it up defeat.

Fav #4
A versatile gold hurricane.  In the few months since I found this piece, I've already used this it in three different rooms.  It looks amazing everywhere!  I can't wait to fill it with driftwood or shells in the summer months!

Fav #5 (and #6)
Officially, my 5th fav find is the tall, white ceramic vase that I use to balance out my gallery wall.  However, the gold picture frame in the pic is also a steal from Goodwill, and I love it as well!  In fact...I bought five of those.

No shame. 

Have you had any luck at Goodwill?  I'm working on a post with my tips and tricks for scoring such great stay tuned!

Have a fab weekend!
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  1. I can't wait to read your Goodwill post. I don't think I've ever found anything like you have found!

  2. I am SERIOUsly jealous!! That hurricane?!? Where we you shopping girl?! Spill it!

    1. I know, isn't it great?! Just the Elizabethville Goodwill store.....but I bet the ones in Harrisburg are even better!
