
Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Favs 29

Yay for Friday!  I'm actually not my usual desperate-for sleep self this Friday morning because school was closed half the week for snow days...

Oh, who am I kidding?  Who doesn't love Fridays and the knowledge that you can sleep in tomorrow?!  I know I do.  

Onto the best things about this week!

Fav #1
The 2014 Winter Olympics.  I LOVE the Olympics!! They are addicting, and I get so excited each time they come around. I'll admit....I've also been kind of hooked on following the #SochiProblems as well.  While I'm normally totally jealous of all the people who get to attend the games, I think I'll be content to enjoy this one from home.  Try to bear with me as I stay up way too late pretty much every night for the next two weeks!

Fav #2
Modern Masters Metal Effects paint and aging solutions.  This metallic paint is gorgeous and looks fantastic on its own, BUT topping it off with the aging solution causes the metal to react and patina, which takes it to a whole new level!  It comes in a variety of metals and aging solutions. I'm dying to try it!  Buy it here and check out Tara's gorgeous mason jars with blue patina below!  

Mason Jars with Blue Patina via Suburble

Fav #3
Breaking Bad.  Whoa.  One of the very few perks of being stuck inside all winter is having the time to use Netflix try out shows that we should have been watching while they were airing.  Breaking Bad is kind of awesome.  Worth every bit of hype.

Fav #4
Hometalk.  I've said this before, and I'm sure I'll say it again, but how did I not know this existed?! Hometalk is basically Pinterest, but specifically for home and garden info.  So it's filled with people who are passionate about their homes and are looking to share ideas, tips and advice, without all of the quotes, fitness inspiration pics, and other stuff clogging your feed. Love it!

Are you as into the Olympics as I am?  What's your fav winter sport?  I love the figure skating and speed skating... 

Have a great weekend!

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