
Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday Favs 25

What a strange week it has been.  The extreme cold temperatures gave me another day off from school this week, and also gave me the opportunity to discover quite a few of my Friday Favs in my unexpected free time.

Fav #1
Almond milk.  I won't lie, I didn't really get the appeal of this stuff for a long time.  I don't drink milk.....well, ever. So basically all that I use it for is cooking or cereal (which, let's be honest, TOTALLY counts as cooking on busy days).  I'm not really even sure why I decided to give almond milk a try, except for the fact that it gets a lot of hype and has a much longer shelf life.  Suddenly, I get it.  It's SOO good!  It does taste like almonds!  And while I expected that to be's delicious!  I actually drank (almond) milk this week....something I haven't done in years.  My bones will thank me for giving them calcium from something other than cheese. And anything that convinces me to eat less cheese is a good thing. #cheeseaholic

Fav #2
One Tree Hill.  Where the hell was I when this show came out?!  Oh yeah...I was 21, in college, and had other.....priorities.  Rectifying that situation.  Right. Now.  Bonus points for casting my girl Moira Kelly from the 2nd greatest of movie of all time as Lucas' mom. #iloveyounetflix

Toe pick?

Fav #3
This fabulous, brand-new console table that I picked up at Goodwill this week for an equally fabulous, single-digit price!  Don't mind the crappy I-phone pic or the haphazard styling.  I just bought it yesterday and haven't had the opportunity to pay it proper attention.  I'm so excited to use it create a 'drop zone' inside our front door, something I've always craved since we lack a proper foyer.

Fav #4
The amazing wood burning tool that Mr. M. put in my stocking for Christmas.  I've been experimenting with it this week and have so many great ideas!  I didn't have any wood available to try it out on at first, so I practiced on our wooden spoons.  Here's a sneak peek out how they turned out.

I have so many great project ideas for this baby!  The first one is coming at you on Monday, so be sure to stop back to check it out.

Fav #5
The return of movies to our town through The Twin Valley Players Colonnade.  You guys.  This is amazing!  It's hard to say how many people besides those that actually know me even read this little blog-endeavor, but if you don't know me personally, you may not know that I live in my hometown.  It's pretty 'we-don't-have-a-drive-through-restaurant-or-even-a-red-light' small.  And while small-town-living has its perks, an abundance of stuff to do is not one of them.  Growing up, one thing that we had going for us was the Colonnade, a single-screen theater that showed box office movies on the weekends.  Name an 80's or 90's movie, and chances are that I saw it there.  The Little Mermaid?  Check.  Titanic?  Double check.
Unfortunately, the original Colonnade closed in 2000 and had to be torn down, but a new theater has just opened and I'm excited to see a movie in town for the first time in at least 15 years!  Mr. M. and I are going to see Catching Fire this weekend, and I can't wait!!

I hope you have a great weekend too!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh man, we were so lucky we had the Colonnade when we were kids!!! A few movies I saw there, off the top of my head... Scream, Titanic, Iron Will, The Santa Clause 2, Dunstin Checks In, The Lion King... and oh so many more, I am sure!!
