
Monday, December 9, 2013

NOEL Frame Display (and printable)

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... I have once again struck brand-new Target gold at my local Goodwill!  

And I mean that literally.  Gold, as in five gorgeous, gold picture frames.  They were marked as $3 each, but thanks to my Goodwill Rewards Card, I snatched them up for $1.50!  Initially I only bought four, but once I got in my car I just couldn't stop thinking about the last one, so I went back and bought it.  

Buying five of the exact same picture frame did seem a little strange to me, but I figured that I could use one or two, and give the rest away as part of a Christmas gift to some of the fabulous women on my list.

Yeah.  That didn't happen.

Apparently my decorating genius is rubbing off on Mr. M, because he commented "Those are cool.  Why don't you use them to spell out a word or something somewhere?"  

Back off, ladies.  He's all mine ;)  

I decided to go with Noel because I didn't think that a five-letter word would fit on my shelves.  That and the fact that I couldn't think of a five-letter holiday word at the time.  Don't judge.  It was a weeknight and my brain was fried.  Merry, bright...I can think of a bunch of them now!

I printed mine out on plain white paper, but they would look even better printed on card stock.  Regardless, I love how it turned out! And I also love that I can use the frames in other capacities during the rest of the year.  

And in case you love how it turned out too, I'm sharing the letters with you as a free printable.  

You'll have to hunt down your own fab frames, though.


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