
Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday Favs 23

Happy Friday!

OMG, the Christmas season was a lucky break for me when it comes to Friday Favs.  All of the gifts that I gave, received, watched other people open have given me so many new things to be excited about!  Plus, the many lovely homes that I was invited into throughout the holiday season have provided me with new ideas for decor, projects to try, and products to share with you!!

Fav #1
Amazon Prime.  How can it be that I have not raved about Amazon Prime yet?!  I was thinking of it this week because it's time to renew our yearly membership, and there is no question that we will be renewing it! Amazon Prime gives us free 2-day shipping on millions of Amazon items, with no minimum purchase required. Seriously people, I can't tell you how often I order small items that I can't buy in my tiny town from Amazon instead of driving the 30 miles that it takes me to get to a major store.  All. The. Time. The 2-day shipping is no joke, either.  If I order on Monday, I have what I need on Wednesday.  Every time.  Not only that, but Prime membership also allows me unlimited streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows on Amazon Instant Video, which I stream directly from my smartTV, Kindle, and laptop....don't judge me, I use whatever device is convenient.  I seriously streamed four movies back to back while wrapping my Christmas presents last was awesome.  And last, but not least, Prime membership also allows me to borrow one book per month for free from the Kindle owners lending library. So perfect for a book nerd like me!

Interested in trying Amazon Prime membership out? (Seriously, why wouldn't you be?)  Click on my link below to get a 30-Day free trial of Amazon Prime membership.  There is seriously no obligation, and if you like it (you will!), you can continue your membership past the 30 days for only $79 for the entire year.  It's so well worth it!

(affiliate link)

Fav #2
Crosby and Taylor Pewter Measuring Cup and Spoon Displays.  My aunt has these sitting out in her kitchen, and they are gorgeous! What a convenient, functional and interesting addition to a kitchen!  I loved them. They come in a variety of options, but my favorite is the fish set below.

Crosby & Taylor Fish Pewter Measuring Cups with Display Post
(affiliate link)

Fav #3
Threshold Swirl dinnerware, which I found on supreme clearance at Target yesterday!  You can buy the entire set here, but I was lucky enough to find single pieces on clearance for under $2.50 a plate! I don't want mugs or bowls, so this was perfect for me! I was only able to buy 4 dinner plates, but I did snatch up 8 of the salad plates, which is what I need to set my dining table.  I'm going to search out 4 more dinner plates, and if worst comes to worst, they would look pretty cool paired with other gold or silver rimmed plates.  I'm so excited to create a tablescape with them!

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Fav #4
Wolfgang Puck 10-piece garnishing set.  I got this for Christmas!!  It's so cool.  It has garnishing tools that I didn't even know existed, but am SO excited to use! You know those cool chocolate curls on top of a pie or cupcake?  Now I can make them and other cool garnishes!  I can't wait to show you something fancy that I make! 

Wolfgang Puck 10-piece Garnishing Set with Color Accessory Bag~149095
(affiliate link)

Fav #5
EBates.  Once again, I'm wondering how it can be that I haven't raved to you all about this before!  EBates is a fabulous way to earn some of the money that you spend online back!  All you have to do is sign up for a free account, and then get into the habit of visiting EBates before clicking to the store websites you typically shop.  When you click to stores from the Ebates website, a portion of your purchase goes into your Ebates account and is paid out to you on a quarterly basis!  It's a great way to earn money back, and best of all it is FREE!  Click here to sign up!

EBates Sign Up
(affiliate link)

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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  1. Agh! I always always ALWAYS forget to use Ebates. I have cut down a lot on my online shopping though... which is a good thing :)
    I've admired that dinnerware set every time I went in to Target. It's gorgeous!
