
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tablescape Mania

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Alright, guys.  I know that I've been killing you with tablescapes lately.  But I have one more to share....

I mean, it's Thanksgiving week.  What do you expect me to post about? 

I was super excited when a friend asked me to help out with creating place cards for her Thanksgiving table. I mean, I'm used to coming up with ideas for my own house, but to do it for someone elses' was exciting!  It's actually what prompted me to get moving on my Sparkling Place Card Holders inspired by a set that I saw at Pottery Barn.  

I went over today to help put it all together, and thought it would be fun to show off the final result!  Here's the main table...

And the overflow table..

I love the purples and the greens.  Such fun and unexpected choices for Thanksgiving!  

Have a great day!

 photo signature_zps64b784cd.jpg


  1. Yeah I like the colors, too! I definitely wasn't expecting that but it looks nice!

  2. Love the unique colors and subdued look! Very classy!

    1. Thanks Vel! I can't take credit for the color combo, but I loved it too!
