
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Guest Post {The Vanity Room}

Hey hey! I've been a bit under the weather for the last few days, so when Amber from The Vanity Room approached me about writing a guest post, the timing couldn't be any more perfect.  Like me, Amber is a fairly new blogger, who has a passion for home decor and expressing her creativity in her home.  She writes over at The Vanity Room, and is sharing her take on bathrooms with us today.....

Themed Bathrooms

Themed bathrooms used to be very big in the Seventies. Modern bathrooms tend to be much plainer, almost boring, and if they are themed, there tends to be an underwater or marine theme – lots of blue and white, stencils or tiles featuring fish, starfish and octopi and even the occasional mermaid. However, there is so much more that can be done in a bathroom to make 'going' an event, an entry into another realm!

Princess Bathroom

Make your little girl feel wonderful in her very own princess bathroom. For a quirky, fun note in this royal bathroom, paint the toilet with gold paint and add delicate filigree touches so she can…er… sit on the throne while she does her business!

Underwater Bathroom

If you are going to follow the intuitive underwater theme that bathrooms invite, why not add a unique spin on it by allowing pop culture to inspire you? This bathroom is instantly recognizable thanks to the bath being painted to emulate the yellow submarine of the Beatles' fame! Vibrant and colorful fish live in and around exquisite coral reefs and starfish, sea cucumbers and sea snails invite wonder. With so much marine splendor to choose from do not limit yourself to blue on white tiles or paint, and make sure you create a bathroom so wonderfully watery that you hold your breath whenever you go in! You can buy marine themed bathroom accessories from Cafe press. Go for their marine life bathroom curtains you will actually feel as if you are bathing among the fish!

Egyptian Bathroom

Create a bathroom fit for a pharaoh! Dull gold paint or wallpaper, glittering accessories and taps and fabulous ancient Egyptian themed decorations all combine to create the perfect old world atmosphere. Perhaps the magic of the pyramid will work and keep all the razors in the room perfectly sharpened? Even if it does not work physical marvels, guests and families alike will be charmed and delighted by this short visit into an old, yet rich and wondrous world.

Game Bathroom

Let your creativity go wild and redo your bathroom as a scene from your favorite game. Pacman can chase the ghosts around your walls, or Mario and Luigi can bounce from basin to loo in pursuit of Bowser and co! A game themed bathroom will work well for all ages, especially as the first wave of computer geeks hit their fifties!

Your bathroom can be your oyster, to mangle a paraphrase! Allow your imagination free rein and think over the possibilities available to you for your bathroom. You could paint a forest on the walls for a 'back to nature' bathroom, spread the Zodiac over the four walls if you are an astrology buff or even bedeck the walls with dragons and unicorns to create a mythical land inside your home's smallest room or use unique tiles to redo your old boring bathroom floor. provides a great range of bathroom tiles. I recently ordered a few samples from there and if you don’t like the sample they can even refund your payment. Isn’t that great? Fortunately I liked the sample so ordered them for my Spa themed bathroom. 

Thanks Amber!  That mosaic tile in the submarine bathroom was crazy-detailed, and I just loved that rustic door with the port hole!

Be sure to check out Amber over at The Vanity Room and give her some blog-love!

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