
Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Favs 11

I know, I know.  I've been an absentee blogger this week, with only two posts!  Work was crazy, and I spent two entire evenings touring houses on the Parade of Homes, which left zero time for blog reading or writing.  Seriously, I have 78 unread blog posts in my Bloglovin' feed.  Crazy!

So in the hopes that this post manages to make it to the top of YOUR Bloglovin' feed, here are some favorites from this week.

Fav #1
Green Mountain Fair Trade Certified Coffee.  Most of you have probably noticed that coffee is one of my favorite vices.  So I was excited when BzzAgent offered me the opportunity to learn more about and try Green Mountain Fair Trade Certified coffee.  Being Fair Trade Certified means that the coffee farmers are paid a fair price for their beans, which in turn puts more money into education, healthcare and environment sustainability in their communities.  Which means that not only does my coffee taste good, it makes me feel pretty good too! And who doesn't need something to feel good about in the morning?  My favorite Fair Trade Certified flavors are Pumpkin Spice (surprise, surprise) and Wild Mountain Blueberry.  Learn more about Green Mountain Fair Trade Certified Coffee here, and visit this link for a $1 off coupon for your next purchase of Green Mountain Fair Trade Coffee.

Fav #2
Orange is the New Black.  I've been hearing buzz about this show for a few months, and finally found some time last weekend to give it a shot.  I'm totally hooked.  And it's based on a book!  Even better, something new to watch AND something new to read.  Just don't watch it with your kids....or your grandma.

Fav #3
Netflix.  While we're on the topic (Orange is the New Black is a Netflix original), let's talk for a minute about how fabulous Netflix is.  First of all, their original shows are awesome (House of Cards blew me away), but they also release entire seasons of shows at one time, so you can totally binge out and get hooked or caught up on shows in just a short period of time. Mad Men, The Walking Dead, Gossip Girl...I've had late-in-the-game love affairs with all of those shows thanks to Netflix.  And if I couldn't have watched a bunch of them at once, I probably would have never watched any of those series since I didn't catch them when they originally ran.  

Fav #4
Acid stained concrete.  Mr. M. and I are planning to try this technique on our front porch, and I can't wait to see how it turns out!  I have high hopes for it, and think that we may want to stain our kitchen floor if we are pleased with the results on the porch.  

Hopefully ours turns out as gorgeous as these!!

Have any of you tried acid stained concrete?  What did you think?

Have a great weekend!!

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